21 September, 2009

Brief thoughts before starting my homework... (A more introverted entry, désolée!)

Today, somehow, feels like my first day of class. Perhaps because it was so exhausting, perhaps because I am just now coming to realize that, unfortunately, I will have to work and study in France, and not just get to explore and travel all of the time.

I had my first class of Translation, which was at the University of Nantes. Still unaccustomed to being in large, rather ugly class rooms. However, I think I will love my Translation class, and I think it will be an excellent supplement to the Grammar Class I am opting not to take, as it will require a high understanding of tenses and proper grammar. I think it will also be excellent for getting to meet French students; the class is about half French students and half American IES students; half of our translations will be from French into English (which will be easier for the Anglophones), and half will be from English into French (which will be easier for the Francophones). The professor said that this ought to encourage a lot of discussion between the two student groups about idiomatic expressions, colloquialisms, etc. So! I am excited about that!

I did finally learn today that all of my grades will transfer and count towards my GPA. This comes as a bit of a surprise, as Sewanee does not usually accept grades from most study abroad programs, and I was hoping that IES would not be the exception.

I have developed a real problem about caring too much about my GPA. It started my Junior or Senior year of high school, and in college it has only gotten worse. I presently become seriously, seriously upset if I get anything below what I consider my best.

It is a very American problem I am told, as most students at French Universities are not as concerned with their grade and French professors are always shocked by how concerned American students are about the subject. Perhaps for this semester I could adopt a more European attitude on the subject? Relax a little and not concern myself with whether or not I receive a B+ rather than an A-??

But I think I know myself too well to think that's really a possibility, and so today came the realization that for the next three months, I will, in fact, be spending many hours reading, many hours writing papers, and many hours studying. Dommage! But I know I will likely enjoy all of it, as I am extremely enthusiastic about school work and all things academic and truly enjoy learning.

It's just that I am somewhat less enthusiastic about academics than I am about exploring Europe.

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